
Five Feminine Body Language Dos & Don’ts – MTF Transgender and Crossdressing Tips
Oct 23rd, 2016 by Aleya-t

Body language is a big part of your feminine image. In fact, it counts for over 50% of the impression you make on people.

Is your body language telling the world that you’re a fabulous female? In not, it’s time to fix that!

Body language consists of:

  • Posture
  • Gestures
  • Facial expressions
  • Eye contact

Here are 5 dos and don’ts for mastering confident, feminine body language:

1. DO work the S-curve


Curves are a classic feminine feature. Beyond a bubbly booty and ample bosom, you can use your posture to enhance the curves of your body. Create an S-curve by putting your weight on one leg and pushing your hip out.

Contrast this to a more masculine posture where the weight is evenly distributed between both legs. This creates a more square and angular silhouette.

Here are some tips for working the S-curve:

  • DO keep your weight on one side of your body instead of centered.
  • DON’T exaggerate this posture. It should look natural.
  • DO work the s-curve when you’re seated by crossing your legs or sitting with your weight on one hip.

2. DON’T take up too much space


A wide, open body position is considered a “power pose.” That’s why you often see men spread their legs and lean forward at the shoulders. They’re essentially puffing themselves up to look larger than they are.

On the other hand, a more closed position will make you look more feminine and elegant. It also makes you appear physically smaller.

You already know that a lady keeps her knees together. But beyond that, you should keep your elbows in and avoid taking up too much space with your limbs. (By keeping your feet tucked close to your chair, for example.)

Here are some additional tips:

  • DON’T slouch in an attempt to appear shorter or smaller.
  • DO stand and sit with lifted posture. Think “tall” instead of “wide” with your body posture.

3. DO mind your gestures


Gestures are an important part of body language. Women tend to be more expressive with their gestures than men. Next time you’re out, notice the way women use their hands and bodies to express ideas when they talk.

To master fluid, feminine gestures:

  • DON’T make jerky or clumsy movements. Keep your elbows tucked in and don’t move too quickly. Practice making slow, smooth movements in front of a mirror.
  • DON’T overdo your gestures. Observe women to get an idea of the correct balance.
  • DON’T fidget. Avoid nervous movements like twirling your hair, shaking your leg, or tapping your fingers.

4. DON’T forget your facial expressions


The expressions you make say as much as the words that come out of your mouth. If you’re feeling nervous, it’s easy for this to be reflected on your face. On the other hand, a pleasant facial expression puts people at ease and helps you get the respect and acceptance you deserve.

Tips to keep in mind:

  • DON’T wear a stoic expression. What feels “neutral” to you may come across as grumpy to others.
  • DO put on a pleasant face. Keep the corners of your mouth turned up slightly. (This also serves as a natural facelift!)

5. DO make alluring eye contact


Eye contact is a major way to gauge a person’s personality. People who don’t make eye contact appear insecure or as if they’re hiding something. People who look you in the eye appear confident and sincere.

Here’s how to use eye contact to make a feminine impression:

  • DON’T avoid people’s eyes. Be proud of who are you are and look people in the eye.
  • DO make eye contact and hold it for a second or two. (But not too long unless you want people to think you are trying to seduce or intimidate them!)
Let’s talk body language!

Body language is a fascinating topic and these dos and don’ts are only the tip of the iceberg. Let’s continue the conversation below!

What other subtle body language differences have you noticed between men and women? Do you have any other tips to pass along?

Please share in the comments below!


P.S. Want to learn more about how to to master your feminine presentation? Sign up for my free 3-part Male to Female Makeover Course here!

=> Lucille Sorelle is the author of the “Stepping Out Secrets Ultimate Feminization Kit”

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News About Female Body Language

15 Items You Should Always Keep in Your Purse (For Crossdressers and Transgender Women)
Oct 14th, 2016 by

One of the perks of being a girl is getting to carry a purse. More than just a stylish accessory, your purse is a toolbox for your femme self.

And while a cluttered bag isn’t chic, there are some essentials you shouldn’t be without. You never know what life will throw at you – and a lady is always prepared!

Read on for 15 things worth keeping in your purse at all times.

1. Cell phone

How did we ever survive in the pre-cell phone days? My phone is always the first thing I pack.

2. Lip gloss or lipstick


A moisturizing lip gloss or lipstick in your favorite shade is a femme essential.

3. Mints or gum


Freshen your breath on the go by keeping a stash of mints or gum on hand.

4. Nail file

Don’t let a broken nail cramp your style.

5. $ 20 cash


Even though most of us rely on credit or debit cards, you never know when you might need some cash.

6. Hand cream


Avoid that dry hand feeling with a tube of hand cream.

7. Blotting paper or powder

Reduce shine on the go with blotting paper or powder.

8. Bobby pins

These come in handy if you need to secure your wig or tame some loose strands of hair.

9. Compact mirror


A must-have for checking your teeth or makeup.

10. Stain removal pen


The sooner you treat an unexpected stain, the less likely it is to be permanent.

11. Band-Aids

Not just for cuts and scrapes, a Band-Aid can relieve blisters caused by new shoes.

12. Safety pins

Those can be a lifesaver if you break a strap or pop a button.

13. Emergency info

Not to be a downer, but if anything should happen, this could literally save your life.

14. Advil or Tylenol


Keep a couple painkillers on hand in case you get a surprise headache.

15. Healthy snack

Hunger can sneak up on you, so keep a healthy snack bar or some nuts in your bag.

What are YOUR purse essentials?

They say you tell a lot about somebody by what she keeps in her purse! Are you a stylish survivalist or do you prefer to travel light?

I’d love to know what YOUR purse essentials are, so please share in the comments below!


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