
5 Male to Female Movement Mistakes to Avoid (MTF Transgender / Crossdressing Tips)
Apr 16th, 2016 by


Clothes, hair, and makeup are important aspects of your feminine image.

But your MOVEMENTS say more about you than you probably realize.

It doesn’t matter how good you look… If your movements give off a masculine vibe (or worse, are exaggerated and unnatural), you’re probably not making the impression you hoped for.

The first step to mastering your feminine movements? It’s avoiding some common mistakes!

Here are 5 male to female movement mistakes to avoid – and what to do instead:

1. Over-exaggerated hip swinging

There’s nothing more alluring than the sexy sway of a woman’s hips as she walks. But you should never overdo this. In fact, if you are consciously swinging your hips, it’s probably too much.

A better approach is to simply put on a pair of high heels and walk naturally. Heels automatically cause your hips to sway. The key is to relax your body and go with the flow.

2. Stiff body movements

Stiff isn’t sexy. As I mentioned earlier, the secret to fluid, feminine movements is to relax your body.

Tense muscles translate to stiff, masculine body movements. Focus on relaxing your body instead. Do stretching exercises to help release built-up tension.

3. Poor posture

Your posture is the foundation for your movements. Here are two posture mistakes to avoid:

  • Slouching: If you’re tall, you might be tempted to slouch to downplay your height. Don’t. Slouching isn’t attractive and it definitely doesn’t make you look more feminine.
  • Arching your back: On the other extreme, avoid exaggerating your posture by arching your back and sticking your butt out. While you might think this looks “sexy,” it actually looks silly.

The fix for both of these mistakes is to stand tall with natural, lifted posture. This makes you look confident and feminine.

4. Stocky shoulder movements

Men carry their weight in their upper bodies, while a woman’s center of gravity is in her hips. In men, this often translates into strong upper body movements.

As you can see in the video below, the hallmark of a masculine walk is “stocky” shoulder movements. Compare that to the graceful sway of the women’s hips.

To counteract this tendency:

  • Keep your shoulders down and back. If you feel your shoulders coming forward, literally roll them back into place.
  • Focus on keeping your shoulders still while relaxing the hips. This will help transfer the movement to your lower body.
  • Keep your body weight neutral (or even slightly back) instead of leaning forward. This helps downplay the look of your shoulders.

5. Taking up too much space

There are many differences between male and female body language. One of the biggest differences is that men take up more space with their bodies while women tend to keep the space more closed.

You can see these differences in the video above:

  • When men walk, they typically have a space between their arms and body, while a woman’s hands brush her hips.
  • Men’s steps are longer and there’s often more space between the feet.
  • There’s even a space between the thumb and hand, while women tend to keep their hands in a closed or “cupped” position.

Fascinating, right?

To correct this, rotate your elbows in so your arms stay closer to your body. Keep your feet closer together and take shorter steps when you walk. Finally, keep your thumbs tucked into your hands.

Are you making the right moves?

Now that you know the most common mistakes, here’s another example of feminine movement to study and emulate. Notice the graceful posture, gently swinging hips, and relaxed body movements:

How feminine are YOUR movements? Do you struggle with this or are you one of the lucky girls who are naturally graceful?

Please share in the comments below!


SOSProgram160P.S. Would you like to learn more advanced feminine movement strategies? My Stepping Out Secrets Program will show you how to master all the elements of a beautiful feminine image, including: moves, curves, fashion, beauty, voice, confidence, and more! Click here for all the details.


5 Male to Female Hair Removal Mistakes to Avoid
Mar 20th, 2016 by

There’s nothing like silky smooth skin to make a girl feel extra feminine!

Hair removal is an essential part of your feminine image. But let’s face it – when you’re dealing with lots of facial and/or body hair, it’s easy to go wrong.

The secret to a smooth, hair-free chest, soft feminine face, and silky smooth legs lies in avoiding some common mistakes.

Here are 5 male to female hair removal mistakes to avoid – and what to do instead!

Mistake #1: You didn’t exfoliate


All methods of hair removal can cause ingrown hairs, particularly in the beard, chest, and pubic area. You can reduce ingrown hairs by exfoliating your skin 2-3 times per week. Exfoliation helps get rid of dead skin cells that trap the hair.

To exfoliate, gently massage your skin with a washcloth, loofah, or exfoliating scrub. (My favorite exfoliation tool is The Body Shop’s exfoliating body polisher.)

It’s best to exfoliate before you remove hair instead of after you do it. Exfoliating too soon after hair removal can irritate your skin.

Mistake #2: You forgot to moisturize


Dry skin is another cause of ingrown hairs, so it’s important to keep your skin hydrated. (Besides, you want the added benefit of soft, glowing skin, right?)

A great moisturizer to use immediately after hair removal is pure aloe vera gel. Aloe vera is a natural moisturizer and skin soother. Perfumed lotions can irritate freshly shaved, waxed, or lasered skin, so avoid them for the first 24 hours after hair removal.

Mistake #3: You didn’t treat ingrown hairs


Exfoliating and moisturizing help prevent future ingrown hairs – but what should you do about existing bumps?

Avoid the temptation to shave over ingrown hairs or dig for them with a needle. These tactics can lead to infections and scarring. Instead, try an ingrown hair treatment such as Tend Skin, PFB Vanish, or Kalo Ingrown Hair Treatment.

Mistake #4: Your DIY was a DON’T


Professional waxing, electrolysis, and laser hair removal treatments are expensive, so it’s tempting to try them on your own. But be careful…

Newbie waxing mistakes – like waxing over the same area twice, pulling the hairs in different directions, or pulling too hard – can lead to rashes, bruises, and torn skin. Not a sexy look!

If you insist on doing it yourself, pay for some professional waxing treatments first so you can observe the proper techniques.

Home laser and electrolysis kits aren’t as effective as professional systems. Although girls have been reporting success with the No!No! Hair Removal System, the risk with these products is that they’re expensive and don’t always deliver results. Be sure to read reviews and do your research.

Mistake #5: You got what you paid for


I’m all for beauty bargains, but don’t let price be your sole criteria when choosing a place for hair removal treatments.

A cheap price tag often means a wax job with a bunch of stray hairs left behind or a patchy laser treatment. At worst, you could end up with burns or scars.

Check the qualifications of the person treating you and read the reviews on any place you are considering. Yelp is your friend!

Also, keep in mind that upscale places tend to put more emphasis on comfortable treatments. If you’re a waxing or laser wimp like me, it’s worth spending a bit more for a less painful experience.

What’s YOUR favorite hair removal method?

This is a hot topic, so I’d love to hear your thoughts! What’s your hair removal method of choice? Are you a diehard do-it-yourselfer or a pampered princess who loves her spa treatments?

Take my hair removal poll below and leave me your comments!


Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post’s poll.

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