
3 Surprising Ways to Feel More Feminine
Nov 17th, 2011 by Aleya-t

Putting on a dress and some lipstick aren’t the only ways to get into girl mode. (We women are more complex than that!) That’s why I wanted to go beyond the obvious and share 3 surprising ways to feel more feminine:

1. Lean back

transgender women leaning back

I recently attended a teleclass hosted by my friend, relationship and intimacy coach Annie Lalla. One of the participants asked how she could feel more connected with her femininity. (Yes, genetic girls struggle with this, too! A lot of women have too much masculine energy and it drives guys away.)

Annie’s advice was to “lean back”. I LOVED this and thought it was also great advice for transgender women …

First, check your body. Are you leaning forward or leaning back? Leaning forward like you are poised for action is very masculine. Get into the habit of leaning back. When you are sitting down, imagine you are a queen leaning back in her throne. Feels good, doesn’t it?

Then, check your behavior. Are you one of those girls who pushes her way through life? If so, you need to “lean back” in your actions and in your conversations with others. Try less muscling and more allowing. “Leaning back” is a great metaphor for living from your feminine.

2. Try a different perfume

transgender perfumes

The right fragrance can connect you with your femininity like nothing else.

While it’s great to have a “signature scent,” don’t get stuck to an old perfume. Since scent is strongly linked to memories, your current perfume might be bringing you back to a time that doesn’t represent who you are now.

If so, it’s time to go shopping! Look for a perfume that matches the qualities you want to express. Think floral scents if you want to express your romantic side and oriental or woody scents if you want to bring out your inner seductress.

3. Smile

transgender woman smiling

Ok, hear me out before you dismiss this last tip as a cheesy platitude. There are loads of reasons why smiling is a fabulous beauty and femininity booster:

  • Smiling releases endorphins in the brain that boost your mood.
  • Smiling lifts your cheeks and gives you a natural facelift.
  • Smiling makes other people happy.
  • Smiling makes you look more feminine.

The last point is especially interesting. According to a Japanese study, smiling faces are rated as more feminine than serious faces. That’s because women and girls smile more frequently than boys and men.

There is an art to smiling, so practice in front of a mirror until you find your best smile. (Try big and small smiles and smiling with your mouth open and closed.) Then work that feminine smile as often as you can!

So, girlfriend, what are YOUR favorite ways to feel more feminine? You know I love a good discussion, so leave me your comments below!


Feminization Secrets Blog

Feminine Body Language Secrets – Part 1
Jul 25th, 2011 by Aleya-t

Body language counts for over 50% of what you are communicating, so this is a huge part of your feminine image.

Body language consists of:

  1. Posture
  2. Gestures
  3. Facial expressions
  4. Eye contact

I’m going to talk about posture in Part 1 of my “Feminine Body Language Secrets” series.

Here are the 3 biggest differences between the way men and women hold their bodies:

1. Open vs. closed

The #1 posture rule you need to remember is that women take up less space than men. This might seem obvious, but I’m amazed at many girls forget to keep their legs together and their elbows in. (Genetic girls, too!)

Open body positions are associated with the display of power. Besides making you look more passive and feminine, a closed body position makes you appear physically smaller.

2. Straight vs. curved


Sexy women are all about the curves, including the way they hold their bodies.

Next time you’re standing in line somewhere, notice how many women put their weight onto one leg, thrusting their hip out. This creates an S-shaped curve in the body. Notice how men tend to stand with their weight evenly spread over both feet.

You can create this S-curve with your body when you are sitting, too. Either cross your legs or put your weight onto one hip.

3. Weight forward vs. weight neutral

Have you ever noticed how many men lean forward at the shoulders – particularly if they are trying to establish their dominance? Contrast this to women, who tend to keep their shoulders back and their weight neutral.

Keeping your weight evenly balanced can be tricky in heels, so you need to be especially careful not to lean forward when you are standing or walking. (You shouldn’t lean back either – so get out those stilettos and practice, practice, practice!)

I’ll discuss gestures, facial expressions, and eye contact in my next blog post. But in the meantime, I’d love to hear your thoughts on this! What other subtle body language differences have you noticed between men and women?


Feminization Secrets Blog

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